Instagram Live, another way to professionalize the profile of influencers

Instagram Live, another way to professionalize the profile of influencers

We recently talked about the advantages of Instagram Stories. It is, without a doubt, one of the most profitable options to increase reach on this social network. However, it is not the only way to achieve this goal. Instagram Live is another tool with which we will capture the attention of our audience, and, in addition, of new followers.

Do you want to know how Instagram Live works and what are its benefits for influencers? Pay close attention!

What is Instagram Live?

Another way to connect with the audience on Instagram is by making live videos. Instagram Live is one of the options within the application whose main objective is to interact with followers.

Carrying out a ‘live’ on Instagram is very simple. We just have to access the Stories option and slide to the bottom of the screen until we reach the “Live” button. We press the “Broadcast” button… et voilà! Hundreds, or even thousands of people, will witness one of your videos. And, when it’s finished, you have the option to delete it or keep it so that those who couldn’t watch it at the time can do so.

Benefits of Instagram Live

Instagram Live, although it may not seem like it, offers a number of advantages that will help position us with other great users:

● First, it will give us priority in the Instagram Stories queue. This means greater visibility in our followers and, with that, the reach will be much greater. In addition, once we are connected to Instagram Live, they will notify users in a tab at the top of the screen.

● On the other hand, with Instagram Live we offer a much more human side to our followers, and, therefore, it will strengthen our brand identity. Speaking live is not the same as in a video that we have been able to retouch, however, this spontaneity will please the audience. Still, it is advisable to outline a list of talking points to organize the live video.

It also means more engagement with the brand, especially when you talk about a particular product with followers. There is no better time to tell the experience and solve the doubts of the public than live.

● As we said before, Instagram Live content is ephemeral. Just like Stories, they last 24 hours at most. However, there is the possibility to save it and share it with those who have not witnessed the live. Using hashtags we will get it, at the same time, to reach other audiences.

Useful ways to use Instagram Live

Many times we have to look for an excuse to carry out an Instagram Live. Many times it’s a spontaneous decision, but, if you’re looking for a concrete reason, here are some examples:

● First, a question/answer round . Before, users asked questions in the comments section, and, now, there is a direct video option by answering on the corresponding sticker. This relay is necessary to answer what they are really interested in knowing about us and bring them closer to our routine.

● In certain types of profiles, such as fashion or beauty, Instagram Live is the perfect space for them to offer tips or advice on how to apply beauty techniques or try new products that brands offer them.

● In the case of artistic accounts, the live feeds are ideal for explaining the creative process from start to finish, whether it’s a music, dance or drawing profile.

● Another way to attract new followers through Instagram Live is to invite another influencer to our live. This form of communication generates much more interest and expectation in followers, and they will see firsthand what a conversation between people they admire is like.

If we want to humanize our social media image even more, this platform is the perfect excuse to ask them for advice, this time from them, about the content they want to see on our channel.

At Keeper Experience, we run campaigns with all kinds of profiles that adapt to the needs of our clients. If you are looking for the ideal influencers for your campaign, do not hesitate to contact our team ( We have the perfect proposal for you!


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